How Your House Can Rock Halloween This Year

Whether we choose to acknowledge it or not, every year there’s a competition between neighbors to see who can be the crowd favorite at Halloween. Maybe it’s not important for you to really engage in an intense battle against your neighbors for Halloween this year, but here are some areas to focus on for a positive outcome.


Halloween decorations


Whether you want to put out a few basic decorations or get a fog machine to make your front-yard graveyard extra spooky, decorations are a major factor in determining your house’s Halloween reputation. Here are some examples of people who really went all in with their Halloween decorations; maybe you can pick up some ideas for your own house?



Personalized Halloween Candy Bowl


Everyone knows that kids love candy. So rule number one is: don’t disappoint the trick-or-treaters who stop at your house. King-sized chocolate bars or a delicious variety of the most popular treats are sure to impress. Another way to show off your family’s passion is by using a unique candy bowl. We love this “Eat, Drink and Be Scary” personalized candy bowl.



One great way to add to your Halloween atmosphere. Most kids aren’t treated to spooky music as they trick-or-treat, so you can really make your house a memorable stop with some well-chosen tunes. Looking for ideas? You can’t go wrong with a great horror movie soundtrack. Here’s a ranking of some all-time favorites.



Halloween Spooky Doormat


Some good-spirited scares are part of what makes Halloween so unique and fun. One classic approach is to have someone dress up in a scary costume and sit motionless near where the trick-or-treaters will pass by, popping up when they’re not expecting it. If you’ve got a bigger Halloween budget, take a look at these scary animatronic displays that will definitely creep out trick-or-treaters this year.

However you decide to enjoy Halloween this year, we hope it’s a great day filled with fun and festivity. Looking for some fun personalized decorations for fall? Shop GiftsForYouNow’s wide selection of fall decorations and other goodies!

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